
Venshore Mechanical Ltd.
Health and Safety Policy Statement

Venshore Mechanical Ltd. (VML) management recognizes all workers have the right to work in a safe and healthy work environment. It is the company policy to safely serve industry with pride in workmanship while taking all reasonable precautions in preventing injury or illness on all our sites. To achieve this objective the company along with all employees and subcontractors will comply fully with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulation for both construction projects and industrial establishments and the Environmental Protection Act (Ontario). This includes following industry standards, codes, guidelines and all manufacturer’s requirements. This goal cannot be achieved without the full cooperation of everyone. Everyone working with or for VML is expected to take ownership of their own health and safety, and that of those around them.

Senior management and Supervisors are committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment to aid in the prevention of injuries and illnesses. Supervisors are responsible for the health and safety of all employees under their supervision ensuring safe working conditions exist, proper tools are available and safe work procedures are followed. Management shall promote and support the health and safety program ensuring all employees are informed as to what is required through supervision and training while encouraging open communication and teamwork.

Management is committed to collaborating with all workers to achieve our safety goals. By defining both the roles and responsibilities for workplace parties, the company’s health and safety program and Safety Policy and Reference Manual has been designed in the best interest of all employees, subcontractors and clients. Roles and responsibilities are referenced in the manual under Element 13 – Legislation and within the daily safety talk rotation. Seniormanagement is committed to setting and reviewing VML’s safety objectives and to the continual improvement of VML’s OHSMS and performance with the assistance of all employees.

VML believes accident prevention and efficient production go hand in hand. Under no circumstance will safety or the environment be compromised in favor of production and accordingly Venshore Mechanical Ltd. insists on dedicated participation in safety from everyone.


John Jurcik,